Island County to Begin CEDS Planning Process
In April 2023, the Island County Board of Commissioners voted to support the development of a Comprehensive Economic Development Strategy (CEDS) for Island County. Island County, the Cities of Langley and Oak Harbor, and the Town of Coupeville generously support this project. This CEDS planning and development process will be overseen by the Economic Development Council for Island County and will be managed by consultant, Jennifer Noveck, Ph.D. For more information, check out our CEDS FAQs.
A very important part of the CEDS process is stakeholder engagement and input via a SWOT (strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats) analysis.
Please take a few minutes to answer this survey and let us know what your business and industry perspective on the strengths and opportunities in our community, as well as any weaknesses or threats that should be addressed.
The short survey can be found here:

If you prefer to provide feedback in a different format, you can also download this form to fill out with your thoughts and email it to Jennifer Noveck at
For additional questions and comments, please email